Carbidopa & Levodopa Teva

Carbidopa & Levodopa Teva Drug Interactions

carbidopa + levodopa




Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
Please tell the doctor or pharmacist if patient is taking or has recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription. This includes herbal medicines. This is because Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva) can affect the way some other medicines work. Also some other medicines can affect the way Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva) works.
In particular tell the doctor or pharmacist if patient is taking any of the following medicines: Medicines for Parkinson's disease containing levodopa: If they are 'slow release', the patient will need to wait 24 hours after the last dose before starting Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva).
If they are 'normal release', the patient will need to wait 12 hours after the last dose before starting Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva).
Tell the doctor or pharmacist even if the patient has only taken them in the past.
Medicines for Parkinson's disease which do not contain levodopa will usually be continued. However, the dose may be changed.
Medicines for mental problems (including depression), tuberculosis (TB), high blood pressure, muscle spasms, epilepsy or other diseases related to involuntary movements. The dose may need to be changed.
Medicines to treat low iron. The dose may need to be changed.
Medicines called 'MAOIs' (see also Contraindications).
Anticholinergic medicines (such as orphenadrine, trihexyphenidyl, benztropine and procyclidine). The dose may need to be changed.
Phenytoin which is used to treat fits (convulsions).
Papaverine which is used to treat impotence in men.
If not sure if any of the previously mentioned apply, talk to the doctor or pharmacist before taking this medicine. The doctor or pharmacist has a more complete list of medicines to avoid while taking Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva).
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